Retirement Savings Plan

By offering the Retirement Savings Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), you can support your employees' financial well-being by helping them improve their financial readiness for retirement through tax-advantaged savings.

Flexibility and convenience with lower fees

The Retirement Savings Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is a unique, national, qualified 403(b)(9) defined contribution church plan offered by the Board of Pensions as part of the Benefits Plan of the PC(USA). The plan is an affordable, convenient way for your employees to build savings for retirement. For employers, the Retirement Savings Plan is designed to reduce your organization's costs and fiduciary responsibilities and ease your administrative load.

A partnership based on shared values

We partner with Fidelity Investments — a nationally recognized industry leader with a proven track record — to offer this superior retirement savings vehicle. Our partnership with Fidelity is based on our shared values:

  • committed to serving those who serve others
  • dedicated to education and service that support a values-based plan design
  • supportive of your unique workforce through a variety of fund options
  • enabling dignity and security in retirement

Your challenges, our solutions

We understand your challenges and have designed the Retirement Savings Plan to meet your goals.

Do you want to ... ?The Retirement Savings Plan offers ...
Reduce costs for the organization and plan participantsLow fees for participants and no fees for the organization
Ease your administrative load and fiduciary responsibilities for the organizationReduced administrative and fiduciary responsibilities
Receive educational support for participants about the planEducational tools and support for participants
Offer a competitive plan that helps in recruiting and retaining employeesAn attractive plan that will assist in recruitment and retention efforts
Work with a reputable organization that shares your valuesA proven partner that understands and shares your values


You may offer the Retirement Savings Plan to any employee, regardless of the number of hours they work per week. 

Employers are required to offer the plan to congregational pastoral leaders enrolled in the Congregational Pastors Package and those enrolled in Transitional Pastor's Participation. You may choose to offer the plan to employees enrolled in Covenant Package and to any other employee. Members working in post-retirement service are eligible to participate.

Key plan features

The Retirement Savings Plan is designed to meet both your needs and the needs of your employees. That's why the plan provides a variety of features that distinguish it from other commercial plans.

Why the plan is a good fit for you

  • Turnkey design
  • Fiduciary risk management
  • Key decisions in your hands
  • Expertly curated investment portfolio
  • Compliance support and guidance
  • Dedicated customer service and communications
  • Assistance from Fidelity with compliance testing, if necessary

Learn more about the plan's advantages for employers.

Why the plan is a good fit for your employees

  • Market-leading plan features, including pretax and after-tax Roth contributions; managed accounts, an optional, fee-based service to plan participants who would like an investment strategy tailored to their specific situation; and loans
  • Auto enroll and auto increase (if elected by the employer)
  • Investment fund options that span the risk spectrum
  • Expert education and advice from Fidelity representatives
  • Easy-to-use mobile and online tools for account management
  • Dedicated customer service

Learn more about how the plan can benefit employees.

Interested in offering the Retirement Savings Plan? Here's what to do next.

For current employers

If you currently offer benefits through the Benefits Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), you may elect this benefit at any time. Call the Board of Pensions at 800-PRESPLAN (800-773-7752) (TTY: 711) to learn more.

For new employers

If you do not currently offer benefits through the Benefits Plan and would like to learn more about its features and how the Board of Pensions serves employers, call our Employer Services team at 800-PRESPLAN (800-773-7752) (TTY: 711) to discuss how we can best meet your and your employees' needs.