Congregational Pastors Package

The Congregational Pastors Package is a comprehensive benefits package designed to support the wholeness of PC(USA) congregational pastoral leaders.

Who’s eligible

The Congregational Pastors Package is available to offer to congregational pastoral leaders and is required for installed PC(USA) pastors.

A congregational pastoral leader is a minister of the Word and Sacrament or commissioned pastor employed by a PC(USA) congregation, including installed ministers and ministers and commissioned pastors working 20 hours or more per week.

What’s included

Employer-paid benefits

Congregational pastoral leaders enrolled in the Congregational Pastors Package receive the following benefits:

Dues for employers are 16% of effective salary for Member-only PPO medical coverage, plus 10% of effective salary for income protection benefits (subject to minimum and maximum dues for medical coverage), paid entirely by the employer.

Member-only medical dues 
Coverage level
Dues Minimum dues Maximum dues

Dependent medical coverage

Employers may offer medical coverage for eligible family members and pay some, none, or all of the cost of coverage. The cost of coverage for child(ren), spouse, and family (spouse and child[ren]) is established as national, community-rated, fixed pricing and is the same regardless of the number of children enrolled.

2025 dependent medical coverage dues
Coverage level

Total medical dues for covering family members include the 16% of effective salary for the member combined with the flat rate amount for the selected level of dependent coverage.

2025 member and family medical coverage dues
Coverage level
Dues Combined minimum dues Combined maximum dues
Member + Child(ren)
16% + $8,950 $14,950 $25,950
Member + Spouse 16% + $11,000 $17,000 $28,000
Member + Family 16% + $20,600 $26,600 $37,600

Benefits eligible for cost-sharing

Employers must also offer the following benefits to congregational pastoral leaders enrolled in Congregational Pastors Package. They may, but are not required to, contribute to the cost:

*An employer matching contribution to the Retirement Savings Plan is not considered part of effective salary.

Flexible spending accounts

Employers may choose to offer two types of flexible spending accounts (FSAs) to congregational pastoral leaders in the Congregational Pastors Package:

Assistance and education programs

To nurture ministry, Benefits Plan members, including those enrolled in the Congregational Pastors Package, gain access to Board of Pensions programs that cultivate their wholeness:

  • Lifelong Learning, including CREDO for eligible ministers, supporting members at specific stages of their life, career, or ministry
  • Assistance Program grants, providing financial assistance to eligible members

Creating new calls with the Shared Ministry Program

The Shared Ministry Program encourages two or more PC(USA) congregations to covenant to create sustainable pastoral positions. By providing benefits dues subsidies, the program helps ministry flourish and sustains it for the long term.

Learn more about the program.