Spring Health has replaced Cigna as the Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) provider. For employees enrolled in the Medical Plan or in the EAP without medical coverage, Spring Health offers mental health care navigation and EAP services.
The 2025 Benefits Plan offers three dues packages and several enhancements to provide even greater value to pastoral leadership and their congregations.
Want to learn more about how the Benefits Plan supports ministries? Join Board staff for Benefits Regional Summit: Understanding the Value of the Benefits Plan, a series of one- and two-days events held in various locations this spring.
Living by the Gospel is a resource for congregations as they determine salaries and benefits for ministers for 2025. It details the benefits available through the 2025 Benefits Plan and how they work together with the education and assistance programs to support ministers’ well-being.
This decision-making resource includes data on effective salary by job code, geography, congregation size, gender, and minister age. The 223rd General Assembly (2018) authorized Living by the Gospel to promote awareness of gender disparity in benefits and salary packages.
Download Living by the Gospel
Log on to Benefits Connect to manage your organization’s benefits through the Board of Pensions. You can receive and pay Board invoices; model scenarios and compare costs when selecting benefits; update employer information; and more — all on one platform.
Use the Employer Quick Start Guide (pdf) to learn more about administering benefits through Benefits Connect.
Read more about using Benefits Connect
If you or your employees have been affected by a natural disaster, such as a hurricane or tornado, we offer resources to help with urgent needs, from obtaining medical care and accessing medications to receiving financial assistance. Resources are also available through the Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) for those coping with critical incidents, including mass shootings and violence in communities.
Sessions, session committees, and other church leaders making benefits decisions may call on their Board of Pensions Church Consultant for guidance about options. These consultants offer personalized assistance to churches, as well as mid councils, across the country.
We can assist you in selecting and administering benefits that best suit your needs and those of your employees.
Dues packages
Employee benefits