Emergency Assistance is a one-time grant for financial relief from a natural disaster or unexpected expense. The amounts awarded are up to $5,000 and vary by need.
If you are in need due to sudden expense or a natural disaster, you may apply directly to the Assistance Program for financial relief. You may consider speaking with your employer or, if you are a minister, your mid council for any shared assistance they may offer. Employers or mid councils are encouraged to share in the cost of Emergency Assistance.
Groups of members affected by a natural disaster may also apply.
The Board considers applicants’ financial and personal needs and resources before distributing assistance.
The amounts awarded vary with the need. Grants range from a few hundred dollars to $5,000 each. An individual may be awarded emergency assistance of no more than $15,000 in a 12-month period.
To qualify, you must
*An affiliated organization includes senior housing and care facilities, colleges and universities, and camps and conference centers.
**Term vested members and those enrolled only in the Employee Assistance Plan are not eligible for Emergency Assistance.
The Board of Pensions does not approve requests that seek to
This program is not intended to replace or subsidize coverage for health, home, or auto insurance. Please review your policy and/or submit your claims before applying for emergency assistance. If you are applying for emergency assistance for medical expenses, contact the Board at 800-PRESPLAN (800-773-7752) (TTY: 711) or memberservices@pensions.org; or, if you are enrolled in the PPO, EPO, or HDHP medical option, reach out to a Quantum Health Care Coordinator at 855-497-1237 (TTY 711) or myqhealthpcusa.org to ensure that you are receiving the full value of the Benefits Plan.
Employers or mid councils are encouraged to share in the cost of Emergency Assistance. If you think you may qualify for Emergency Assistance and would like to initiate an application with the Board, complete and sign the
Emergency Assistance Application and email it to
memberservices@pensions.org, along with documentation of the specific need and resources available for the total amount requested.
In the event you are affected by a natural disaster, contact your employer or mid council. They will need to provide their Board of Pensions relationship manager or Church Consultant with the number of employees affected. The Board will make Emergency Assistance decisions after receiving information on the magnitude of the need. Group grants for natural disasters are available only to PC(USA) employers, who manage their distribution.
Call the Board at 800-PRESPLAN (800-773-7752) (TTY: 711).