Senior Consultant for Southeastern United States

T. Clark Simmons joined the Board of Pensions in 1998. He is an elder at Decatur Presbyterian Church and has participated at every level of church life.

Previously, Clark was Director of the Capital Campaign and Church Relations at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, Georgia. Before joining the seminary staff, he developed and executed marketing plans and customer development for UPS Inc. in Atlanta.

Clark graduated with a business major from Belhaven College, now Belhaven University.

As Senior Consultant, Clark oversees Church Relations work in Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Additionally, he has direct responsibility in Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi for the presbyteries listed below in the Synod of South Atlantic and Synod of Living Waters.


  • Synod of South Atlantic: Central Florida, Cherokee, Flint River, Florida, Greater Atlanta, Northeast Georgia, Peace River, St. Augustine, Savannah, Tampa Bay, Tropical Florida
  • Synod of Living Waters: Mississippi, St. Andrew

Contact information

Call Clark at 215-275-3079 or email him.