Sabbath Sabbatical Support

The Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions provides eligible ministers with a portion of the financial support they need to take a sabbatical. The grant amount is up to $10,000.

Support for personal and professional renewal

Through Sabbath Sabbatical Support, the Board of Pensions helps eligible ministers take time away to engage in planned activities for personal and professional renewal.

Sabbath Sabbatical Support grants are provided to approved applicants and intended to supplement the financial support committed to the minister by other contributors, which may include the congregation, the presbytery, and other organizations.  


Up to $10,000: 

  • Up to $5,000 may be provided for time away as part of a sabbatical.
  • An additional travel grant of up to $5,000 may be provided for applicants who, as part of their sabbatical, are returning to their country or territory of origin or that of an adopted dependent.

The number of grants awarded each year is limited.


To qualify, you must:

  • be a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) minister currently engaged in supporting congregational ministry*
  • be continuously enrolled in the Medical Plan and/or the Defined Benefit Pension Plan for at least the past six years
  • have an effective salary of no more than $80,000, excluding manse value, and be able to demonstrate financial need
  • receive commitments of financial support for the sabbatical from other sources
  • take your sabbatical for a period of not less than four weeks
  • have not received a sabbatical grant in the last six years
  • receive Board of Pensions approval of a proposal detailing the activities and associated costs

*Ministers, such as mid council staff, may also be recommended for a grant by their presbytery if they are also serving a congregation.

How to apply

  • Complete the Sabbath Sabbatical Support Application. The application must be signed by the clerk of session and the presbyter or stated clerk of your presbytery.
  • Prepare a sabbatical plan, detailing what will be done during the sabbatical (including travel plans), the associated costs, and the funding sources to pay for the activities planned. Be as specific as possible. Successful applications will consider sabbatical leave as a time for ministers to strategically disengage from the regular tasks of their ministries so that they can pursue new and different opportunities to consider their ministry and mission from a refreshed perspective.
  • Submit the completed, signed grant application and your sabbatical plan at least 45 days before the first day of the sabbatical.
  • Email your completed application to


  • Submit a brief post-sabbatical summary report to the Board of Pensions that addresses the goals outlined in your application.

Need help?

Call the Board at 800-PRESPLAN (800-773-7752) (TTY: 711).