Income Supplements for retirees

The Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions provides Income Supplements to eligible retired plan members and their surviving spouses in need. The amount of support you may receive depends on your total income from all sources and your Social Security participation.

About Income Supplements

This assistance raises to certain levels the monthly income of retired members who served the Church for many years at modest wages or that of their surviving spouses. Income Supplements run for the duration of the recipient’s life unless financial circumstances change.


The amount of support you may receive depends on your total income from all sources and your Social Security participation.

The Board of Pensions assumes you have secured alternate protection if you are not receiving Social Security benefits.


To qualify, you must:

  • be a retired member or surviving spouse 65 years or older of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) or Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad (KPCA) and have initiated Social Security*
  • be receiving a retirement or survivor’s pension from the Benefits Plan of the PC(USA)
  • have 15 or more years of participation in the Defined Benefit Pension Plan; you may receive up to a 10-year service credit if the retired member served PC(USA) congregations, mid councils, and/or agencies without enrollment in the pension plan but had at least five years of pension plan participation, for a combined 15 years of service**
  • have a total annual income no greater than the applicable maximum as defined in the target income table below

*The Board assumes you have secured alternate protection if you are not receiving Social Security benefits.

**For surviving spouses, this eligibility requirement refers to the deceased spouse's years of plan participation/service.

Target income
Years of pension plan participation Retired single members Retired members with spouses
15 to < 25$38,500
25 to < 30
30 or >

How to apply

Need help?

Call the Board at 800-PRESPLAN (800-773-7752) (TTY: 711).