Medical continuation eligibility and duration

This chart outlines the circumstances in which you, your spouse (or former or surviving spouse), and/or your eligible children may extend coverage under medical continuation.

Reason for loss of coverage Eligible individual Duration of medical continuation coverage
Member’s employment terminates, or hours are reduced resulting in loss of eligibility (before age 55) Member18 months (29 months if member is disabled during first 60 days of medical continuation coverage)
Member’s employment terminates, or hours are reduced resulting in loss of eligibility (before age 55) Spouse18 months (29 months if spouse is disabled during first 60 days of medical continuation coverage)
Member’s employment terminates, or hours are reduced resulting in loss of eligibility (before age 55) Child18 months (29 months if child is disabled during first 60 days of medical continuation coverage)
Member’s disability status ends, and termination status startsMember, spouse, child 18 months
Member’s death Surviving spouse36 months*
Member’s death Child36 months or, if earlier, until age 26*
Divorce/dissolution Former spouse36 months
Divorce/dissolution Stepchild36 months or, if earlier, until age 26
Employment terminates or early retirement for vested member at age 55 or older
Member, spouseUntil eligible for Medicare
Employment terminates or early retirement for vested member at age 55 or older
ChildUntil age 26
Child loses eligibility because of ageChild36 months
Employer withdraws employment classification from plan participationNot applicableNot available

*If an active member is enrolled in the Death and Disability and Medical plans, the member’s surviving eligible family may receive 12 months of coverage at no charge to them (or the employer), provided they notify the Board within 60 days of the date of the member’s death. This 12-month no-cost period counts toward the 36 months. After the 12-month no-cost period, the eligible family members may enroll in medical continuation coverage on a self-pay basis for up to 24 additional months, for a total of up to 36 months of medical continuation coverage.