Attending seminary

When you attend a theological seminary, graduate school of religion, divinity school, or school of Christian education, you may be eligible to purchase comprehensive healthcare coverage through the Board of Pensions at significantly reduced costs.

Three medical options are available to seminarians: 

  • the preferred provider organization (PPO), which offers the highest level of coverage and the most flexibility
  • the exclusive provider organization (EPO), with comprehensive coverage for care from network providers only, at a lower monthly cost than the PPO
  • the qualified high deductible health plan (HDHP),* which covers care received from network providers and is the lowest-cost medical option available

All three options offer eligible seminarians access to the same full range of health services and prescription drug benefits available to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) ministers and employees.

If eligible, you may elect coverage during the annual enrollment period (late summer), within 30 days of full-time seminary enrollment, or within 30 days of being classified as an inquirer or candidate for ordination under the care of a presbytery.

For more information, see Seminary relationships.

*Those who enroll in the HDHP may be eligible to set up and contribute to a tax-advantaged, individual health savings account (HSA) to pay for qualified healthcare expenses.