Benefits documents

Find detailed information about your benefits in the following publications. These documents are available in PDF (Portable Document Format). They are best viewed with the latest (free) version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Benefits Plan

The Benefits Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (2024 version)

The Benefits Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) (2025 version)

The Benefits Plan and Divorce

Financial Soundness of the Pension Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)


Guide to Your Death Benefits

Death Benefits overview 

Supplemental Death Benefits overview

Term Life Plan


Dental Benefits overview

DMO Dental Benefits Booklet

The Dental Plan

Dues and rates

2024 Quick Facts and Dues Schedule


Guide to Your Disability Benefits

Disability Benefits overview

Supplemental Disability Benefits overview

Temporary Disability Plan overview

Long-Term Disability Plan overview

Flexible spending accounts

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) overview

Healthcare Flexible Spending Account (FSA) overview

Sample FSA Salary Reduction Agreement



Guide to Your Healthcare Benefits

2024 Preventive Schedule

Preventive Healthcare Age 19+ (with insurance codes)

Medical continuation coverage overview

Medical Plan Special Features

Transitional participation coverage overview


Medical Plan (PPO)

Medical Plan (EPO)


Medical Plan (HDHP)

Health Savings Account (HSA) overview

How It Works: High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and Health Savings

Sample HSA Salary Reduction Agreement

HSA vs. FSA: What’s the difference?

Key Provisions

Key Provisions: PPO

Key Provisions: EPO

Key Provisions: HDHP

Key Provisions: PPO & EPO

Key Provisions: PPO & HDHP

Key Provisions: EPO & HDHP

2025 Medical Plan Comparison

Employee Assistance Plan

Employee Assistance Plan (EAP)

Personal Counseling of the Employee Assistance Plan (Triple-S)

Medicare/Humana Group Medicare Advantage PPO plan

2024 Humana Group Medicare Advantage PPO Plan — Medical Summary of Benefits

2024 Humana Group Medicare Advantage PPO Plan — Pharmacy Summary of Benefits

Choosing Healthcare at Retirement

Medical Coverage for Active Members 65 and Older


Addressing Health Disparities and Inequities in Communities of Color (April 2021 Issue Brief)

USERRA Questions & Answers

Prescription drug

2024 Preventive Drug List

2024 Drug Formulary and Excluded Drug List for Active and Disabled Members (abridged)

2024 Humana Group Medicare Advantage PPO Plan — Pharmacy Summary of Benefits

Prescription Drug Program overview

Retirement and Pension Plan

Retirement planning

Coverage and Benefits Options for Retired Plan Members

Planning to Retire: Your Benefit Options at Retirement

Pension Plan

The Pension Plan

Defined Benefit Pension Plan overview

Retirement Savings Plan

Guide to Your Retirement Savings Plan

Retirement Savings Plan document (2022)

Retirement Savings Plan overview

Retirement Savings Plan Guidelines for Treasurers and Business Administrators

Retirement Savings Plan Universal Availability Notice

Retirement Savings Plan enrollment guide (Fidelity)

Retirement Savings Plan Investment Options Guide (Fidelity)

Retirement Savings Plan Investment Options Performance (Fidelity)

Retirement Savings Tax Credit

Why Participate in the Retirement Savings Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)? (Fidelity)

Getting Started with NetBenefits

Taxes and healthcare administration

Housing Allowance Letter

Understanding Effective Salary

Preparing Living Wills and Healthcare Powers of Attorney


Vision Eyewear Plan