From our President: Many hands are needed for kingdom work

September 07, 2022
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.

1 Cor 12:27

Collaboration is the way of our faith. Together, we build the body of Christ, making “disciples of all nations.” We are strong in number, and rich in the diverse talents and abilities that God has given us for serving others.

As a national agency of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Board of Pensions collaborates throughout the denomination. We work with the other agencies, mid councils and congregations, and PC(USA) coalitions and caucuses of color. We team up with PC(USA)-affiliated organizations, and we partner with Presbyterian seminaries. But we don’t stop at denominational boundaries.

Ecumenical collaboration is equally important in serving the Church of Jesus Christ. Stewardship Kaleidoscope, which is happening this month, is just such a collaboration. The PC(USA) and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America produce the annual gathering, and other ecumenical partners join in. Stewardship Kaleidoscope provides inspiration and tools to individuals who are serving in the fundraising ministry for their congregations.

The Board is a sponsor of Stewardship Kaleidoscope, set this year for September 26-28. We have a staff member serving on the all-volunteer committee that’s planning the event, which includes over 30 workshops. And three people from the Board are running workshops.

A member of our Education team and someone from our Investments team will present a workshop on key investing topics for churches. They’ll provide insights on establishing an investment plan, and offer practical tips for various approaches to investment.

Another staffer, from our Information Technology team, is presenting a workshop on protecting financial resources and confidential data. With electronic giving replacing the offering plate, a cybersecurity plan is essential for protecting assets — and for building a congregation’s confidence. Steps for preventing cybercrime will be given, along with what to do if you’re a cybercrime victim.

The people in our congregations who serve in the ministry of fundraising are empowering disciples in the pews. They are inviting them into a commitment of faith, guiding them to see that giving is a response to the kingdom call. Together, they are better able to go and do likewise, as Jesus commanded.

Collaboration is the way of our faith.

Grace and peace, 

The Reverend Dr. Frank Clark Spencer