Board of Pensions to host the Benefits Regional Summit: Understanding the Value of the Benefits Plan

March 03, 2025

Benefits Regional Summit

The Board of Pensions has been walking alongside the Church during its season of rebuilding initiative to bring more flexibility and choice to congregations and their pastoral leaders. And with this rebuild came updated dues packages for the first time in 40 years. In 2024, Board staff met with nearly 90% of ministers in the installed pastor’s package and 100% of all leaders of Committees on Ministry to discuss supporting pastors through the 2025 Benefits Plan.

For 2025, the Board invites the Church to learn more about the value of the Benefits Plan, how to maximize its offerings, and how benefits and voluntary programs work together to support ministry.

“The enhancements we’ve made to the plan add value for both congregations and members,” said the Reverend Dr. Frank Clark Spencer, President of the Board of Pensions. “It’s important that we keep lines of communication open and that we continue the conversation with our members and employers about the many aspects of the plan, and how to make the plan work best for them.”

Beginning in April, the Board of Pensions will kick off the Benefits Regional Summit: Understanding the Value of the Benefits Plan, with opportunities for engagement in seven different cities across the country. These events are open to all throughout the Church, including mid council leaders, pastors, personnel committee chairs, and church business administrators.

“This is an opportunity for the people who lead congregations and those covered by the Board to gain a better understanding of the plan and how the Board’s assistance and education programs bring added value,” said Andrew J. Browne, Executive Vice President, Engagement & Church Relations.

Attendees of the Benefits Regional Summit: Understanding the Value of the Benefits Plan will learn about:

  • the value of the Medical Plan, including current healthcare trends and costs
  • what has been learned so far from 2025 enrollment in the three dues packages
  • the Death, Disability & Life Plans and how these plans care for members at critical times, providing income security
  • the importance of access to assistance and education programs
  • how congregations can participate in the plan and support the wholeness of their pastoral leaders and staff
  • the difference plan membership has made in lives and ministries

Registration for the Benefits Regional Summit: Understanding the Value of the Benefits Plan opened March 3, 2025. To register for any of the in-person events, or to learn more about future virtual opportunities, visit